You usually see the wonderful athletes on your screens, but we thought it was time to show you the women behind Ryderwear.
Ryderwear is lucky enough to have numerous talented women doing behind the scenes work from influencer marketing, to graphic design, videography, customer service and writing. In light of International Women’s Day, here at Ryderwear, we wanted to put a spotlight on the women behind the brand and asked them a few questions:
RW: How did you find the courage to take the leap of faith in starting a business?
Natalie Lukic, Creative Director: I always knew I wanted more from life than what I was led to believe growing up. I disliked the job I was in at the time, an office job in aviation engineering. It wasn’t for me. I was born creative at heart, and not being able to be that in a technical career was debilitating to me. It affected my health for years. I was depressed daily and it was because I wasn’t being true to who I was as a woman. I was a creative woman, simple as that.
That was until my partner presented a business idea to me. He always had business ideas and I was very quick to shut them down. But not this one. This one would give me complete creative freedom. It was my ‘aha’ moment. With zero hesitation, it was a 100% yes from me!
So from a scared, young twenty-something woman, working full time in a job I despised just because it was the ‘right thing to do’, I no longer had this fear that had been holding me back. A light bulb went off, my heart fired up with passion and I had an instant confidence like never before. Starting this business was the right thing for me. Fear had stopped me for so long in pursuing my true self which was simply to live a creative life, whether that be my own business or something else. Being true to myself as a creative woman is what gave me the courage and faith into starting a business, and creating the life I wanted.
RW: What do you think people can do to create the societal change that is needed for equality?
Cassandra Demasi, Marketing Project Manager: Do the work and lead by example! Society and our experiences within it can often make us reluctant to be our true authentic selves. By working through this we are able to break down the barriers and develop the courage to be brave, to own who we are and not be afraid to show up as that person every day. In the words of the great Brene Brown, “Vulnerability is not winning or losing; it's having the courage to show up and be seen when we have no control over the outcome”. It’s a continual learning experience; one which challenges me everyday, but never underestimate the power of how your journey can encourage and inspire others to follow suit.
RW: What is something that you are most proud of, or your biggest achievement?
Natalie Kyte, Social Media Coordinator: One of my biggest achievements definitely has to be landing my absolute DREAM role at such an awesome company like Ryderwear! I’m really proud of my persistence and drive to work my way up to such an incredible, fun and challenging position that I'm so excited to come to every day. I'm also really proud that I never let my doubts about not having a degree within the industry stop me from achieving my dreams!
RW: How does training empower you?
Georgia Wright, Influencer Marketing: Training empowers as it allows me to continually push myself. I used to play netball quite competitively, but when I stopped playing, I really struggled without something competitive to push me both physically and mentally. This drove me to start functional and weight training, giving me the determination to continually push myself to beat a PB which I have found so empowering. Another aspect that continues to empower me every session, is the sense of community at my particular gym. Both the members and trainers continually encourage me to push myself beyond my limits and bring so much enjoyment to my training!
RW: Which women do you look up to?
Sunayna Luthra, Digital Marketing Strategist: Women’s day is dedicated to all women as every woman is special in her own. I look up to my mother in law, she has touched my life in so many ways and I am always in awe of her personality and demeanour. To me, she is an epitome of love, care, and wisdom. The positive aura that she creates around her is so strong that it is admirable to see how she chooses to stay calm despite everything. I admire her for her loving nature, the way she loves everyone and has no space for jealousy and ego in her life and relationships. Her optimism in daily life and holistic approach for living is the most magnetic thing about her. There are plenty of things that I admire and I feel so blessed to have her as a part of my life.
Here is to all strong women, may we know more of them, may we be them, may we raise them.

This International Women’s Day, strive to recognise those around you, and work towards a more equal, and supportive community. Here are Ryderwear, we believe in empowering women to take not only themselves, but also their training to the next level.
We will be sitting down with some of our female athletes and talking to them about International Women’s Day and what it means for them, stay tuned for those Q&A’s soon.