For a lifter, keeping accountable is not hitting the snooze button at 5am for a workout. It’s following your program, even when it almost seems impossible. It’s putting on your favourite gym gear.
Whether that's the Collide Leggings.
Or a Core T-Shirt.

It's about showing up to the gym, even when your training buddy bails.
For a lifter, accountability is the key to success, and we are going to show you why.
Keeping accountable means to take responsibility for your actions and eliminate the distractions around you, so you can focus on the goals that you have set out for yourself. When exercising or following a program, this is no different. Whether that means waking up early to fit in your training, or following your meal plan for a shred, it’s the accountability of showing up for yourself that will get you to where you need.
It’s important to remember that we are human, things don’t always go to plan, and that’s okay. It’s how you react and recover from the hiccups, so you can get straight back into the squat rack without a hitch.
Want to know how the Ryderwear athletes crush their goals and stay on track? We spoke to a few who had some fantastic tips on how to keep yourself accountable, and explained why it’s so important.
You’ve probably heard a lot about goal setting, it’s been all the rage on Instagram. Sometimes going back to the original reason as to why you started on the journey in the first place is the reset you need to get motivated again.
Ryderwear athlete Jaden Lacaria (@jadenlacaria) practices this daily.
Jaden: “Everyday I wake up and review my short term goals I have written down. I use those as a daily reminder that I need to stay on track whether that be physically or mentally if I want to continue to make forward progress and get one step closer to my long term goals.”
Sometimes goal setting can be incredibly overwhelming, especially if you’re setting big goals like wanting to deadlift 150kgs after not training properly for a year. It can be beneficial to try bite size goals, things that can be done in the short term. Particularly if you’re finding it difficult to keep yourself accountable, this is an encouraging method to keep you on track.
Ryderwear’s very own Taylor Learmont (@littletfitness) spoke to us about the importance of small goals in her life.
Taylor: “I always remind myself of where I want to be and what it takes to get there. Breaking down a big goal into manageable and realistic small goals is always my go to”
It is always so important to take a look at all the hard work you’ve put in. look back at how far you’ve come. Whether that’s looking at progress photos, reflecting on the heavier weights you’re lifting, or a change in attitude, these are all steps to living your best life.
To help, we’ve created an Insta graphic that you can use to keep you accountable! Screenshot and use it as much as you, don’t forget to tag (@ryderwear) us we can see!
Put things in your calendar
Planning out what your days and weeks will look like can be the extra motivation you need to get out of bed and get to the gym. Putting times in your calendar can be the important reminder you need, and Ryderwear athletes Sarah Darrell (@sarahdarrellfit) and Kiara-Bella Moore (@_kiarabella) swears by organisation!
Sarah: “I actually schedule eating times throughout the day. It may sound extreme, but it literally just helps keep me on track. I also track my entire day of eating in My Fitness Pal first thing in the morning so macros are always hit!”
Kiara-Bella: “My daily journal is the biggest thing for me to stay accountable and on track with my goals. Having everything written down for the week every week keeps me motivated and organised for the long term!”
Keep a journal
Write things down! Don’t underestimate the power of words. Wins, losses, setbacks, PB’s, all of it. Seeing your journey in front of you can help remind you why you started on your journey in the first place. It can also be a good place to talk about different emotions, struggles, and liberations! Tayla Goody (@taygoodyfitness) personally uses this method to keep her on track.
Tayla: “I write my goals down, make my goals achievable. Have small goals that work up to your long term goal. Ensure you revisit your goals and make sure you're tracking in the right direction, taking the right steps to reach your goals.”
Whether it's a bit of self reflection, or writing a journal helps you, every lifter can use an extra tool or two to keep their accountability in check.