What You Should Do In The Gym Based On Your Star Sign

Posted by Ryderwear HQ on

Sometimes we need the universe to guide us through the decisions we make, and the gym is no exception. Find out below what you should do in the gym based on your star sign: 



You are one passionate individual (and we love it). Bring that energy to the gym and smash out a heart-pumping HIIT workout. You’re typically direct in your approach, so don’t overthink it! We’ve got you covered with a workout here if you need inspo!



Smashing any PB

Taurus' are a little stubborn (c’mon, you know it), but this isn’t a bad thing! You can use this to your gym advantage. You’re dedicated, motivated, and ready to get results. Try smashing a PB whether it's in the squat rack or the stairmaster. We know you’ve been working hard on it.   



Gym buddy workout 

You’re one outgoing and social individual so whatever you decide to do in the gym, make sure you have a gym buddy right there with you. We did all the hard work for you and have the best partner workout written up for you here. Want to be the best gym buddy possible? We’ve laid out the top five qualities of being one!  



Squat PB 

Our little sensitive sign. Let us first reassure you. You’re doing great. You’re on track with your goals. You deserve that new activewear you’ve had your eye on. You are amazing. You can lift heavier and smash your goals. With that extra encouragement, you should try to smash a squat PB!




Strong and brave are just some of our favourite characteristics about you! Take these with you when you smash out leg day,lunges in particular.ry to push yourself today,but don’t beat yourself up if you aren’t punching the numbers you want. Remember to take a look back at all the progress you’ve made. 



Squat PB 

No more going inward, it’s time to challenge yourself, and be loud and proud of who you are. There’s no better way to do this than a simple squat. Big movement, big weight, and super challenging. Get into that squat rack, you’ve got this!




You’re one clever spirit! You know exactly what you need to do. Keep going with that program of yours, but we know that you can be a little indecisive! If you’re needing a bit of direction, absolutely do shoulders today. You know you want to. You can thank us later. 



Upper body

Since determination comes naturally to you, we recommend making sure you’ve got your goals all clearly laid out. That way, you'll smash out whatever it is you want to achieve at the gym. Consider doing upper body today We know lower body is tempting, but you can’t neglect it! You’re also quite ambitious too, so be relentless, challenge yourself, and don’t compare your journey to anyone else's.




Freedom loving sagittarius. We recommend picking a body part (consider trying abs), and giving yourself the freedom to go with the flow. You don’t like being restrained, so making sure you’re giving yourself the freedom to change the movements when you want is important. Make sure you say hello to your friends at the gym too, we know how important that is to you!




Those leadership tendencies of yours are flexed often. Instead of leading others, try to lead yourself for a change. Give a strong compound movement like a deadlift a go to ground yourself and take charge of your day. It’s important that you don’t burn yourself out. You’re a go getter, but sometimes that comes at the expense of your recovery. 



Try the TRX

Hey there you free spirit! We know you like to go off and do your own thing, so we won't take it personally if you decide to not do what we recommend. But since you are super unique, try a movement that you’ve never done before, or something a bit different. Give the TRX a go! 




You’re the intuitive type, so go with the flow! Train legs today and go from there. If you start a certain movement, and are not really feeling it, change it up! You’re a wizard at listening to your body, and today should be no exception.  
